So excited to share with you how valuable photography is, why I'm passionate about providing this exclusive experience to you, why you should book photography sessions, & some precious moments I've been honored to be apart of. Follow along my journey of creating personal & timeless memories for quirky couples & fun-loving families in Ventura County, CA (between Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, & Ojai, CA).

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Why Couples Photography

Reasons to schedule a couples photography session:

•Celebrate your journey as a couple; where it started verses where you are today & how much you’ve been through together.⁣

•Did you create a family or blend your families together? It’s important to reminisce on how it all began.⁣

•Freezing time far exceeds our ability to remember all the amazing moments we experience in life. Our memories fade but photos last (which is why it’s so important that they are stored properly). ⁣

•Tomorrow is not promised but we can make the most out of today & create timeless memories that wont go out of style.⁣

•Life can be stressful; having fun & letting loose with the one you love can be extremely beneficial to your relationship as well as your mental health.⁣

You wont regret hiring me for a couples photography session!

Additionaly, whether or not you’ve taken professional photos together, no worries! Here at Jessica Francis Photography, I’ll guide you (your significant other &/ or family) through each session with playful prompts while probably making a fool of myself at the same time! All you need to do is enjoy the moment & let me do the rest. Even if you feel awkward, that’s okay. My goal is to make our time worthwhile with a candid experience & storytelling photos!

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couples photography, couples photographer, Ventura county photographer

Ventura County, couples photographer

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couples photographer, ventura county photographer

Couples Photography for quirky & adventurous couples with storytelling photos & timeless memories!

As a photographer, it’s important for me to create an experience for you that truly lasts. Similar to how a postcard transporting us back in time, photos outlast our ability to remember all the amazing memories we share with the ones we love.⁣⁣ All in all, don’t forget, it’s an investment into your future.

» Do you have any questions for me or ready to inquire? Please fill out the simple contact form on my website:

In the soft golden light of the setting sun with vibrant tones and authentic emotion! Let’s document some memories you’ll never forget! If you are ready to book your session or have any questions, please fill out my simple contact form:

Other blogs for you: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why Couples Photoshoot

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Serving quirky couples and fun-loving families between Thousand Oaks and Ojai, CA | Couples Photographer, Family Photographer, Maternity Photographer, and Senior Portrait Photographer | Based in Ventura County, CA

Ventura County Photographer | Thousand Oaks Photographer | Ventura Photographer | Camarillo Photographer | Ojai Photographer | Ventura County Photographers

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Ventura County Photographers, Family Photographer, Couples Photographer, maternity photographer, motherhood PHOTOGRAPHER, Ventura Photographer, Camarillo Photographer, Ojai photographer, Thousand Oaks photographer, golden light photographer, golden hour photography, portrait photographer, candid photographer,military homecoming PHOTOGRAPHER,  military spouse PHOTOGRAPHER, Jessica Francis Photography, oxnard. PHOTOGRAPHER, port hueneme PHOTOGRAPHER, ventura county military homecoming PHOTOGRAPHER, high school senior photographer

Jessica Francis Photography

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Ventura County Photographer
Jessica Francis Photography | Est. 2018

Family, Maternity, COUPLES, & Senior Portrait photography

for the quirky, adventurous, & wildly in love